Monday, October 3, 2011

September 5th, 2011

It was Labor Day, my love hate holiday.  I love the holiday because Trent gets off from work.  I hate the holiday because it’s the official last day at the pool for the season.  We are now entering the portion of the calendar where the days will eventually get shorter and colder.  The weather was chilly, in the 70’s (okay, not chilly, but chilly for the pool).  We persevered and went anyway to say our goodbyes, until the girls started shivering and their lips turned a slight hue of blue.


That night we had the family over for a barbecue.  We grilled hamburgers and I made a couple of sides.  I had a ton of veggies on hand and tried to figure out how to incorporate into a side dish.  My mind went straight to pasta salad.


So I diced up some asparagus, zucchini, and cut corn off the cob.  I then added some salt, pepper, granulated garlic, and a bit of olive oil and mixed it all up.  I roasted them in the oven at 375 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.


My favorite packaged low fat ricotta cheese!


Great sauce for pasta, container of ricotta cheese, a coffee mug of hot pasta water (the leftover water you boiled your pasta in), salt, pepper, granulated garlic, and a couple of thyme springs finely diced.  Perfect amount for a pound of whatever pasta looks good to you in that moment.


Add the veggies to the cooked pasta.


Toss all together and you’re done.  Would be a great meal in itself too with a salad.

So I guess my countdown to Memorial Day begins….

1 comment:

Trent said...

You're right - it would definitely be a great meal on its own!! Good stuff!!

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