Thursday, December 8, 2011

November 18th, 2011

Sydney was invited to 2 birthday parties and I needed to get the birthday girls’ gifts.  The first party was a girl in Sydney’s preschool class, Mia.  It was going to be at Chuck E Cheese with Mia, Sydney, and one other girl.  Mia’s mom is really nice and also works out at our Y the same time I do, so Sydney and Mia play in the child watch center there together on days they don’t have school.  The second party was for a good friend’s daughter, Graysen.  Her party was a Rapunzel themed party at their home.  Lauren, Sydney, and I went to Toys R Us to search out the perfect gift for the 4 year olds.  Graysen was easy, I got a Flynn Rider Disney Doll (and crossed my fingers she didn’t already have one). 

So one down, one to go.  I asked Sydney what kind of things Mia likes.  Sydney told me Mia likes Barbies.  Okay, easy enough.  I scan the Barbie aisle for a new and/or different Barbie to avoid getting something Mia already has.  I see a Barbie where it also comes with a dog, food container, water bowl, etc.  Oh fun, I thought, a Barbie where she takes care of her dog.  That’s interactive and Mia’s other Barbies can help take care of the dog too. 

So we bought the gifts, went home, and I put them on the counter to wrap.  A couple hours later when I was making dinner, I glanced at the box again.  Oh boy did I misunderstand this toy.

I saw the first picture with the dog eating the treat….but not the second or third.  I purchased a Poop and Scoop Barbie for Mia!!  Reeeeaally Mattel?!!  Sydney’s first birthday party from her class this year and I get this as our gift.  I guess I began cursing talking to myself because both Lauren and Sydney came into the kitchen wanting to see what was going on and I told them this Barbie’s special chore.  Simultaneously they both said “Ooooooh mom, I want one too!!!”

At spinning the next morning I told the story and a mom laughed and said, “Yeah, Amber has that Barbie and absolutely loves it.  The worst part is you eventually end up loosing all the poop and then you’ll  have a child wanting you to buy a poop refill.” 

So I was the mom that presented the birthday girl with not only a pooping dog, but one that will eventually run out of poop and cause her lack of poop sadness.  At the party (and yes, I thought about returning it, but just couldn’t fit in another errand before the party) I told my backstory before Mia opened her gift (with a gift receipt heavily taped on the box) and the other moms graciously laughed. 

Yesterday I got this thank you note in the mail:


This is my first thank you for poop.


Trent said...

Ha! Such a great story!

Shannon said...

Still makes me giggle!!!

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