Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 10th, 2011

It was the weekend of birthday parties and today was our little niece Noni’s 3rd birthday at Shaw Park.  Apparently the lawn maintenance at Shaw Park haven’t mowed in awhile.  With my girls one big great result of not mowing is dandelions.  Then if someone is REEEALLLY deficient on mowing another fantastic side effect is the WISH dandelions (aka, when dandelion flowers go to seed and you pick them and blow the seeds in the air…then make a wish).  So if you are in charge of mowing and have fallen a little behind, don’t invite us over because the girls will blow out all your wish dandelions and spread the weeds flowers all over your yard.  Unless you dig dandelions, then invite us over and you get dandelion seed spreading free labor.





The other highlight of the party was a piñata….a very, very stubborn piñata.  There was a group of about 7-8 kids ready to tackle it.  But the oldest was 5….and that was Lauren.  Many, many turns were taken.




So Julie had to rip the piñata completely open help the game along.



The kids took the cue from Julie and decided ripping was definitely easier than bat method.




Noni specifically requested a green dinosaur cake.  Not a crumb was left, it was quite popular.  I think some kids worked the system and snuck in a second and third helping.

The afternoon was spent outside working in the yard….much needed!!  The kids were a red faced sweaty mess, so while Trent gave them a bath, I grilled dinner outside, with my Sunday Skinnygirl Margarita made by Trent.  I was still grilling and the girls wanted to come outside after bath.


In order to keep them relatively clean and not reverse the effect of the bath, I told them they could pick a couple grape hyacinths.


I cannot believe these shirts are so short on them.


The girls were swimming in them when my dad bought them in Destin June 2009.  So cute!


Sydney at a year and a half!

Okay, okay, back to dinner….




I like to grill the bread, rub a raw peeled garlic clove on the toasted bread, then top with parmesan cheese and put in the grill’s warmer shelf to melt it.


Hot dogs for the girls, grilled garlic bread, and veggies and chicken marinated in balsamic vinegar, garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper for Trent and I.



Another fantastic Sunday goes down in the books…and blog!


Trent said...

LOVE the comparison pictures of the girls' shirts!!! They've gotten so big!

The balsamic chicken was great - it had a really rich flavor!!

Anonymous said...

ok, pics of syd and lauren in destin.... ready for spring of 2012....
sunday meal looked fabulous. if i get in argument with mom and she won't cook for me... count on me to show up on Sundays.


Anonymous said...

More ideas on Easter...
let's go to Desin.... 2012
also, we need to do a swordfish meal.... grilled, make like spedini.... stuff with ???? thinking diced up shrimp, little breadcrumbs, parsley, basil, ...what else????
in Sicily, they also do this with diced up...tiny...potatoes/fresh herbs/bread crumbs.
it is great.... ok... 7 ingredients.

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