Sunday, September 6, 2009

My name is Jenny and I get hungry around 6 pm...

Hello there. For a couple years now I thought about keeping a food journal. No, not the kind that counts calories, food exchanges, or actual food journal recording what I did for dinner that night. I have no idea why I thought it's something I need to document, I just thought it would be fun to look back on years from now just to see what food phase I was into at the time. I do the same thing with photographs to document fashion choices, hair styles, people, and places, why not food. I love it just as much if not more (dare I say) than my newest shopping spree finds. Every week I write out next week's menu on a big post it and attach it to our frig to keep me and my grocery trips organized. One day instead of throwing away last week's menu list I decided to keep it there. I now have about 3 months of menus in a little clip that I look through all the time to remember any fun meals I want to recreate for the current week. Well from that came this idea, why not do a simple blog so 40 year old Jenny can look at 34 year old Jenny's menu and figure out exactly where her mind was at the time. Was I cooking seasonal? Healthy? Comfort food? Trendy food? Budget friendly food? Eco-friendly food? and from that I could also remember fun date nights at restaurants with my husband, Trent, fun family nights out with my daughters, vacation meals, or lady nights. Now I know I just commited myself to do this for 6 years and who knows if that is true. I can start something and love it or be wishy washy about it, I never know. But I just wanted to do something for me I think I might enjoy....something simple...something I hope will make me happy.

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