Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 17, 2010

This afternoon was highly anticipated!  We had matinee tickets to Wicked.  My dad, Cathy, Lauren, and myself all went to the Fox for an afternoon of good theater fun.  I have been explaining the story of Wicked to Lauren and playing the music for months, so we were ready.


Lauren at the Fox with our tickets, very excited girl.  She loved the show and sat captivated for the full 3 hours.  In fact, Lauren has her friend Meghan over for a play date right now and is telling Meghan about it as I type this.  Right now they are discussing houses falling on witches. 

For dinner that night my parents took the girls for an overnight and Trent and I went to Charlie Gitto's on the Hill.  So, so good!  Trent and I split a shrimp cocktail and chopped salad.  Then Trent got a spicy sausage pasta and I ordered the Ciopino.  It was my first time Ciopino experience, but hopefully not my last, I’m a fan!  But I’m even more of a fan of date night.



Ryan said...

LOVE Cioppino! one of my faves...can't believe you haven't had it before. I meant to ask you where you guys went for date night. even though it's two blks away, i've never been to gittos! must try!

Trent said...

Give me a date night any night! Love you babe!

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