Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 10th, 2010

I took the girls to the pool for the afternoon (total shocker, I never do that) and came home and wanted to start a book I got from the Library.  Well I guess the book wasn’t too captivating or I was out in the sun too much because I fell asleep and Trent woke me up around 5 pm.  I had planned on grilling chicken (even had it in the frig all marinated), but waking up groggy put me in an anti-cooking mood.  We had a gift certificate to Roberto's Trattoria, which is our neighborhood “fancy” Italian restaurant.  It was our first time taking the kids to a nicer restaurant where it would be mostly adults and a crayon free zone.  Bottom line is if there was a meltdown or hissy of any sort from our kids, we would have been “those people" who brought their kids to a nice place and ruined adults’ dinner who paid for a babysitter.  I was a tad worried, but emphasized the “fancy” and “fun” aspect of the evening and put on a sundress.DSC08282

The girls ended up being great (mommy sigh of relief!).  We had fried artichokes for an appetizer.



They were universally liked and oh so good!



We came up with the idea of ordering the girls Shirley Temple drinks since Trent and I both loved them as a kid.  But they weren’t so popular, the girls took one taste and didn’t like that there was “soda” in it.  They also split an order of pasta with Bolognese sauce. 


One the way home from Roberto’s we noticed there were 3 hot air balloons right over our car and watched them go by when we got home.  Then Sydney started running and fell down and scraped her knee and elbow.  She was pretty upset, so that incident ended the evening pretty abruptly and I became “Dr. Mom” and got out my boo boo eraser kit (Band-Aids and wipes). 

1 comment:

Trent said...

What a fun night! The girls and the food were great - we're definitely going back!

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