Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 14th, 2010

Gearing up for our big annual Minnesota vacation!  Every year I spend the week before shopping and packing.  Our guest room is pile city with all our stuff I am attempting to organize.  The night before we leave I normally go to a movie while Trent packs up the van.  It’s my last hurrah before our big trip north.  This year I couldn’t go the night before because the girls have their dance class, so I went the night the night before.  The night before eve if you will. Kevin, Ryan, and I were very excited about the Joan Rivers Documentary and I love an excuse to go to Plaza Frontenac (they have good house wine and the best almond chocolate dipped biscotti’s, perfect movie snack). 

Also an annual project is getting rid of all things perishable in the frig before we leave and whatever we don’t get to, I give to my parents.  I had quite a bit of veggies, so I roasted them, made a pizza crust, and had a whole package of goat cheese.


I also had a bit of tomato sauce and a little bit of cheddar cheese.


The kids pizza!  I didn’t even attempt to get them to try the veggie pizza because, well, I wasn’t there, I was at Plaza Frontenac. 

The movie was great, I loved the glimpse into Joan’s life.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Looks like someone has been blogging while on vacation! i don't remember you having internet and/or cell svc up there in the past. did they upgrade stuff?

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