Monday, July 19, 2010

July 17th, 2010


On the road again, next stop Ely, Minnesota!


The girls did great, in fact I think their patience and mellow attitude surpassed mine.  I have to admit, starting out I was a tad stir crazy.  But after connecting with the tweeting world on my phone I got into car mom mode.

We got into Ely around 2 pm, unpacked and settled, and the kids immediately started playing.  For the second day in a row we decided to just let Sydney play through naptime.  After 7 hours in the car it felt wrong to stick her in a bed and stay still for 2 hours.  The Brightwells arrived at 3:30 and the playing level was raised exponentially.  Kirk grilled pork chops and we baked corn on the cob and potatoes in the oven.  Then we grilled oranges with brown sugar and cinnamon on the grill (a recipe Sally had found) and topped it with ice cream, all good things happening there. 


Michelle reading  to the kids after bath shower time. 


This picture perfectly describes my Minnesota experience…I refer to it as “rustic fun.”  Part of the fun is beer and wine in the evenings….next to 2 big containers of leeches (our go to fishing bait)….RUSTIC!


The girls in their bunk beds!


Night 2 of attempting to have Sydney do the big girl bed thing.  I laid with her until she fell asleep and we thought it would work out great (and the bunk bed factor makes so the girls can’t mess with each other too much).  Although at 1 am Sydney fell out of her bed.  Trent put a whimpering and sleepy Sydney back in, but was worried it would happen again, so as I type this Sydney is taking a nap in her pack and play and I think this vacation will be the last pack and play vacation had, but might have to pack bed rails in the future.


julie mur[phy said...

I love all the pics and especially the one in the car with the girls in their sunglasses! Always in style!

julie mur[phy said...

and no thanks to the leeches.....can't they stay in a cooler?

Trent said...

I love the pic of the frige and that we have two - a "leeches and liquor" one and a normal one.

Part of the MN is definitely the evenings. At 5pm if I'm not opening bottles of wine and beer people start tapping their feet and pointing at their watch while giving me the eye...

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