Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 21, 2010

I can’t believe it’s Wednesday and we haven’t been out on the boat yet, normally that’s one of the first things we do upon arrival.  So we took the girls out for fishing and boat riding.



And then there was some fishing…



Lauren got a great bite and set it.  When she was reeling it in, the fish jumped up (it was a biggin’) and then broke the line.  I think Trent was more bummed than Lauren because he remembers how proud she was when she caught a fish last year.


Said fish from last year, see that proud face?  But really Lauren was excited she got to see the fish before it broke the line and enjoyed telling the “how it got away” story.

We headed back to the dock and got to see an airplane land on water!


We went back to the cabin for lunch and headed to the Kawishiwi Falls (say that three times fast) for a hike and waterfall watching.




You can walk down to the rocks, but it’s a little hard to do it carrying Sydney, so I’m hoping next year we’ll be able to go down and play in the water.  It’s too pretty not to touch it.

We went back to the cabin for Sydney’s nap and Elizabeth, Caleb, Lauren, Michelle, and I went to the beach with the kids.

In the morning, Michelle and I put a chicken, onion, potatoes, herbs, and lemon in crock pot.  It was so nice knowing dinner was cooking away while we were enjoying the great big outdoors.


When it was ready, I pulled the chicken off the bone and plated it.  I also made garlic parmesan toast and roasted some carrots (we had a big bag I was trying to get through).


Another successful day and night!

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