Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 3rd, 2010

Happy Birthday America weekend! 



The girls and I spent the early afternoon at the pool with Bethanie and Alex.  Specifically the “waterfall” portion of the pool. 

To celebrate the 4th of July we went to Pat and Carol’s house for a family celebration, dinner, and Algonquin Country Club firework display.  Everyone brought a dish and Carol made bratwursts and brisket (the brisket was amazing, I had more for dessert it was that good).


I made a caprese salad with tomatoes and basil from the garden.

After dinner the kids all played in the front yard catching fireflies and putting them in a jar Trent put holes in (they were later released when little kid eyes weren’t around, so no fireflies were hurt or abused during this process except ones that may have gotten squished in their capture by eager fingers). DSC08228


Lauren doesn’t like fireworks because they are so loud, but Carol and Pat came up with a great idea for the kids, earmuffs!  Worked like a charm and I got to see fireworks for the first time since Lauren was born (normally I’m inside Pat and Carol’s house with Lauren playing).  So much fun!


Happy 4th of July Eve!


Ryan said...

that caprese looks amazing and it actually making my mouth water. YUM!

Trent said...

I love the poses of Sydney with her shoulder up - so cute!

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