Saturday, July 3, 2010

June 27th, 2010


Baby Brooke’s big baptism day!  We headed out to O’Fallon around 11 am for the noon mass and baptism immediately following. We were the Godparents, so we felt very VIP.  I got to hold Brooke when they put the water on her and she just smiled the whole time.  As you can see in the picture, she was one happy and cute baby through the whole ceremony.


There were 7 baby’s that were being baptized, but the priest kept things going very efficiently.


The girls had a great time playing with Ashley, Savannah, and their cousin, Raina.  We went to Mandy and Rick’s house afterwards for lunch and to hang out with their families.  It was a nice and mellow afternoon.  The girls were in heaven all playing together and were very intense with a mean game of hide and seek (the hiding portion was a little marginal, I think they used the same hiding place 5 times in a row).  We got home around 6 and had a family movie night.  We weren’t hungry for dinner since we had a big and late lunch, so we watched Princess and the Frog and I made popcorn.  Both the movie and the popcorn were well received.  Happy Baptism Day Brooke!

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