Monday, November 8, 2010

October 30th, 2010


We started the day with making Caramel Apple cupcakes. 


This face is crucial to make proper cupcakes.


There was a frost forecasted for the following week, so we I decided it would be a fun family activity to pull up all the tomatoes.  Thankfully the family obliged. 


This is only halfway through. 


Getting there….


Also pulled up the eggplants plants and beets.  There was also a lone not quite finished red onion.  It was a total of 2 crazy overloaded wheelbarrow loads of vines and plants.  The project was bittersweet for me.  I spent alot of my summer with those tomato vines and it was fun going out to the garden in late October getting fresh tomatoes to cook with or give to friends, family, and neighbors.  But it also does feel good to get the plants up knowing once the frost comes at night, the vegetables would have been ruined.



Dinner was mushroom swiss burgers with waffle fries and salad.  I love those deli flats and buy a package a week.  I used them for our burgers and it was really good, more burger flavor and less bread.  Now that most of the mosquitoes are gone, it’s nice to grill outside deet free.  Although with daylight savings time next week, the kids playing outside while I’m grilling days are numbered.  But it will be nice not to wake Lauren up when it’s still dark outside for school.  I feel like that scene in Witness where the Amish farmer wakes up Harrison Ford to “do the milking.”  And although I do love my urban farming, I feel confident saying I will never set my alarm to milk a cow.


Trent said...

And Lauren was getting so good with Pennsylvania Dutch!

Ryan said...

I love the weaving of the movie reference in. Go Amish!

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