Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May 19th, 2011

Sydney had her end of year program in her preschool room.  For a room of 3 year olds, the hardest part of the program is getting their little bodies to stay in their chairs while their parents are arriving in the room. 



The girl to the left of Sydney is also a Sydney.  And, yes, the matching dresses were planned.  Us moms discovered we had purchased the same dress and decided to be cheeky for the program and wear them at the same time.



After the program was snack and drinks.


For dinner that night I went to my all time favorite old school comfort dish, risotto milanese.  Lauren really wanted to “help.”  This is the first time ever I have let her stir at the stove by herself, something about the open flame and boiling hot liquid always made me leery.  Pretty big moment and she did great!





I can’t have risotto milanese without a mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  Growing up my dad made the risotto and my mom made her signature salad with the homemade dressing, so for me it’s a necessary pairing and I like it when they bump into each other on the plate.


I don’t mind when food gets mixed up, in fact I prefer it.  Many times you’ll see multiple dishes on my fork at the same time.  I do, however, have many loved ones in my life that would probably prefer to eat on those paper chinet divided plates to make sure there is no cohabitation of dishes.  To each their own!

I did a slight walkthrough of our family recipe on this blog.

1 comment:

Trent said...

Anytime is a good time for Jenny's risotto!! Definitely a crowd pleaser and one that I really enjoy!! So delicious!

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