Thursday, August 18, 2011

August 5th, 2011

I am having a huge fight with snapfish right now.  After 2 calls to customer service the problem is still not being fixed.  All I want to do is upload pictures, which is really the essence of snapfish.  No uploady for me, no credit card purchases for them.  The recommendations have been clearing cookies and changing my browser (and why do I want to change my browser to Mozilla just for an online photo album website?).  The last recommendation from the customer service was…..wait for it….try again tomorrow, maybe it will work.  Hmpf.  So my options are either throwing my computer out of the window (which actually would make me feel better for a second until I realize I need a new laptop and a new window….and snapfish probably wouldn’t work on the new laptop either), being snarky and obnoxious to the customer service representative number 3 (but english is their second language, so my snarkiness probably would not translate the exact way I want it to), or take their dumb advice and wait until tomorrow.  Until then, I pout and procrastinate cleaning the bathrooms with a blog.  But I’m still bitter, if you haven’t noticed.  I mean really, all I want to do is cross “upload July pictures onto snapfish” off my to do list. 

So the garden is doing good and not so good (I promise I’m not continuing with my bad mood, I’m just being honest).  This summer has been hot and dry, super dry.  I don’t tend to water the garden alot, just in really dry and hot patches.  Well the hot and dry patches would be the whole summer, so I’ve been watering at least once a week and in the middle of July, more like 2-3 times a week.  I don’t water the perennials, it’s a survival of the fittest as far as they are concerned (unless I just planted them).  But container plants, annuals, and vegetables are fair game for turns with the hose.  I’ve actually been able to harvest some stuff. 


The potatoes have done really well due to the wet and cool spring.  I still have quite a bit to harvest and have many meals made from them, as well as giving them away to friends and family.


Potatoes, onions, basil and tomatoes ready to go!


Also red peppers and more onions.  And these onions ain’t playin’.  Not only do they make my eyes water, my nose run, but also their juice is worse than lemon in any cut on my hand.  That said, they are delicious.

My biggest feat this year in the garden is our sunflowers.  They. are. massive.


We also have some “dwarf” sunflowers by our front light.  I was thinking they would be knee high or something.


They are taller than our front light.  This picture was taken from inside.  The yellow finches have been going nuts on all the sunflowers, the girls and I have so much fun watching them eat from our playroom window. 


There are four at one time in this picture.  Can you find them?


Virgin “dwarf” sunflower.


Finch attacked “dwarf” sunflower.


We have about 6 brussel sprout plants.  We are going to be eating our weight in brussel sprouts soon.

The big disappointment is the tomatoes.  I have nowhere near the amount I had last year at this time, exponentially less.  But here’s hoping for a good fall full of tomato action.

I’m still bitter about snapfish, but a little less.  Thank you.


Trent said...

Massive indeed! I'm looking forward to my parents seeing them in person this weekend - the pictures are good but there's nothing quite like standing under one!!

Oh, and snapfish stinks!

Unknown said...

Snapfish has been torturing me for months. I want to switch but I have so much invested there... I'm sure you know that dilemma. Your dns cache may be corrupt for the site, I'll send you an email. LOVE the finches! (just saw some here this week).

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