Tuesday, September 13, 2011

August 19th, 2011

Sydney and I had a hard, long day ahead of us.  We had plans to go to Grant’s Farm and feed our friend’s chickens.  Then that evening Trent’s parents were due in town, so I decided to also make a cherry raspberry pie for a treat upon their arrival.


This is the second time I’ve made this recipe, it’s from Family Circle* and I think it’s going to be my go to Cherry Pie recipe.  I feel so adult saying “my cherry pie recipe.”  Like decades from now my great grandchildren will be calling each other “Hey Lisa, it’s Colleen.  Look, I’m having people over tonight and lost Grandma Jenny’s cherry pie recipe, would you send it to my phone?”  Now I know “sending to my phone” is so 2011 and there will be some other crazy way the kids get information to each other, like digital brainwaves or something, but it’s my future pretend conversation, so there.

Sydney and I had a great time at Grant’s Farm.  Having one kid is easy breezy on outings.  I’m so used to zone defense that man to man is like a pie cake walk. 



Goats gettin’ sloppy.



Playing in the mist machine.


Fun was had.  Now off from one farm to another.  The next one was a workin’ gig, we had duties and such.


This isn’t your ordinary chicken coop, this coop could be on MTV’s show Coop Cribs.  There’s really not a show like that and they probably wouldn’t be on it anyway because these chickens don’t have 5-7 vehicles in their garage.  But they are close, maybe they could be on The Real Chickens of Affton City.


Letting the chickens out and feeding them a snack.


Dinner!  I made a big pot of Cannellini bean, kale, and sausage soup.  I used turkey kielbasa, added petite diced tomatoes and it worked great.  Instead of water I used chicken stock. 

Oh, and there’s really not a show called The Real Chickens of Affton City, I made that up.

* Family Circle’s website was being a stinker and crazy slow, but you can google Family Circle’s Cherry Raspberry Pie and easily find it when the website decides to work properly. :)


Trent said...

Coop Cribs!! I love it!!

Elizabeth Hall said...

Ha! You are too funny! Thanks again for looking out for the girls while we were away. Did you notice how suspiciously 'rooster-ish' Marion is looking? Just heard her cock-a-doodle-doo this past week. sigh...

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