Wednesday, January 11, 2012

December 8th, 2011

Our grocery store had an incredible price on artichokes and arugula.  1 huge container of arugula past it’s sell date for $1 in December, I bought 2.  The “past its sell date” part didn’t worry me, I was going to use it up and quick.


I wilted one container with some pasta and parmesan cheese for dinner one night.  The other night I had pesto on my brain.  But first, artichokes.


I had to make my breadcrumbs to stuff the the artichokes.  Breadcrumbs, garlic, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese, and whatever herbs I have on hand.  Today is was chives, parsley, and oregano from the garden. 


I pull back the leaves (careful, they got little prickly points) and drop the breadcrumb mixture with a teaspoon.  Do it over a bowl or cutting board to be able to gather all the loose breadcrumbs to stick back in there.


Steam them on a low boil for about 1 1/2 – 2 hours.  Then let cool slightly to set up.  This way you can handle them and won’t burn your mouth.  Both good things.


Next I grabbed the same food processor, there is no need to wash, has great crumbs and flavor in it from the breadcrumb mixture (unless I’m cooking for my sister in laws, then big hot water and soap wash to ungluten the sucker).  Next up was arugula pesto.  The whole container of arugula, olive oil, 2 cloves garlic, salt, pepper, and about 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese.  Puree and you will get this. If it’s not blending enough, add more olive oil or water.




I also roasted some chicken sausage, but that is completely optional. 


I combined the cannellini beans, chicken broth, and diced up sausage in a pot to heat through with some salt and pepper.

IMG_3085 Then dumped one pound of cooked spaghetti and the arugula pesto in the pot, stirred, added some parmesan cheese.


Which ended up breaking my absolute favorite grater.  Bummer!


Dinner!  But first our first course.




Oh, and I made dessert.  Traditional Rice Krispy treats and added some Christmas accessories to it.



I believe in the power of a good accessory to make the outfit.

1 comment:

Trent said...

A delicious dinner! I'm always excited when I come home to find that breaded artichokes are waiting! They are definitely a big favorite of the girls and I!!

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