Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 7th, 2009

I love entertaining. It's a win win situation because it makes me happy to have people over for dinner and my goal is to make them happy too (but there have been times.....). Last night was Labor Day and Trent and I had my family over for dinner (Julie, Ben, Bryan, Gen, my parents, Grandpa Coco, and Maryann). Since it's a grilling kinda jolly holiday, I decided to grill bacon burgers from Oberle Meats in St Gen (my dad ordered them from a recent trip there). They are hamburger patties with the bacon ground up in them (and what isn't better when you add bacon...and melt cheddar cheese on top). I also grilled onions and peppers with balsamic vinegar and foil packs of petite diced red and yukon potatoes. For the sides I served the potatoes as a warm salad by tossing them with chives, parsley, diced bacon (again, added goodness), and a balsamic vinagrette. I also made a salad with edamame, cannellini beans, baby spinach, and a lemon vinagrette. For dessert I made a coconut bundt cake with a pineapple glaze. The recipe is from the Neelys on the Food Network. Ever since Lauren stopped taking a nap, we watch one or two shows on the Food Network in the afternoon, she loves it and then goes to her kitchen set and pretends she's Giada or Ina making something. Yesterday it was "cake soup with basil and syrup." Not too sure our guests would be leaving happy with that one.

1 comment:

Trent said...

I love the "cake soup with basil and syrup" - that's hilarious!!

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