Monday, February 15, 2010

February 9th, 2010

There are few vegetables I don’t like.  I’m a veggie girl.  If I had to pick my favorite veggie to cook with, it would probably be spinach, baby spinach specifically.

I think it goes with everything.  It makes a great salad, adds pretty color, goes great on any sandwich, can be a garnish, pureed as a pesto, works great as a bed for protein, perfect just sautéed as a side dish, or wilts perfectly as an ingredient for almost anything.  I go through two bags of baby spinach a week and probably 4 packages of frozen spinach a month.  And don’t even get me started on Spanikopita…it’s the perfect food.

I didn’t make that….but I did make this for dinner….


I just did tortellini with pesto, but didn’t feel like making a salad, so I wilted almost a whole bag of baby spinach in with the pasta.  It was yummy and good ol’ Popeye would approve. 

1 comment:

Trent said...

I don't go as crazy over spinach as you do..but I definitely like it in your tortellini with pesto dish!

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