Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Trellises and Tacos

I really, really should have taken pictures of Margaret’s children’s garden she built in her backyard.  So cleaver!  She did a stake teepee where sweet peas will grow up the stakes to make a little haven for her boys.  There’s a fence, pathway, raised beds with fruit bushes and corn.  Chalkboards under a grapevine trellis.  I could go on and on, but I really should have just taken pictures to demonstrate it properly.  Lauren and Sydney had a great time at Margaret’s house…and getting dirty…very dirty.  Afterwards we went to Chipotle for lunch because I had a couple of errands still to do and it was 12:30.  It was the first time I took the girls there, but they loved it.



Why in the world I took pictures of my kids eating tacos and not Margaret’s impressive garden she’s built all by herself I don’t know.


Sydney was a taco’d garden’d mess.  There was no way I could put her in her crib for a nap without a sink bath.  I had to wash her hair 3 times to get the dirt out of it.  Sydney and Wesley thought dirt throwing was great fun.


After Sydney was all clean and dressed, I put the girls shoes and Lauren’s feet in the sink to get them usable again.  It was such a fun morning and afternoon.  Garden gazing playdate and tacos with my girls, can’t go wrong.

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