Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 23rd, 2010

Hands down summer is my favorite season.  My happiness factor goes up exponentially.  The less going on, the better because I can fill the days with gardening and pool fun.  I also love to go and play at Julie and Ben’s house on the hill, I have many fond memories having Amaghetti sandwiches at their kitchen table or gossiping in their nursery while the kids scattered all the toys from the toybox.  In May Julie and Ben decided to move neighborhoods and bought a house in Clayton (a fantastic house at that….ah marone is that kitchen to die for!).  

The Murphy family happy and smiling in front of their new awesome home!   When Trent and I moved from the hill the move was definitely bittersweet.  It took me a couple of years to feel like our new house was home.  I’m hoping with Julie and Ben’s new house I can adapt quicker (it not being my house and all), not a huge fan of change, even happy change.  Except when it comes to people getting married or having babies, that change is always embraced.  I am blatantly digressing….

So Julie and Ben were coming home from an oil free Destin on Father’s Day and had a post Father’s Day/Welcome to new home dinner for their families.  Julie made ribs, pasta salad, bread, baked beans, and ice cream to celebrate all the dads (and in her spare time unpacked an entire household).  The celebration was fun and I think I’m slowly adjusting to Clayton being my second home.



My goofy girls playing in the driveway after dinner.  See, new fond memories already happening!

1 comment:

julie mur[phy said...

Lauren sports Ben's panama hat better than he does!!

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