Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 5th, 2010

Trent and I used to do a CSA, Fair Shares, with Julie and Ben.  Between shopping at Sappington Farmer’s Market and knowing we were going to build a garden, meal planning was easier.  I do miss some things from our CSA.  I miss the incredible grass fed ground beef, exotic wild mushrooms, and the fresh pasta from Mangia Italiano.  So I was quite happy to see that Sappington Farmer’s Market now carries 3 different varieties of Mangia’s fresh pasta.  I bought the roasted red pepper spaghetti. 


The girls had dance class at 6:30 and I feed them dinner beforehand and Trent normally works out at the Y during their class and eats after they go to bed.  So I boiled my fun pasta with broccoli, yellow squash from the garden, and a zucchini and tossed with fresh ricotta cheese, garlic, and pasta water.


Loved the pasta and can’t wait to buy some more!  And, to my great surprise, Lauren liked it too!


I was so shocked I took the girls to their dance class, got them to the studio, and realized I forgot their ballet and tap shoes.  At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

1 comment:

Trent said...

As you can see from the picture - Jenny's real plan wasn't to get us to eat the pasta - it was to get us to eat more veggies!

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