Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 14th, 2011

For Valentine’s Day Trent and I decided to have a family night at home and let the girls pick whatever dinner they wanted could agree on.  Trent and I went out on Friday night for a Valentine’s date night in Clayton and the girls spent the night at my parents.  So tonight was a great night to celebrate with the girls.


Guacamole for an appetizer.  Tacos for dinner.


Going, going….



Trent’s mom has a special Cheesecake recipe that Trent is pretty much obsessed with.  He LOVES it. The girls and I are not huge cheesecake fans, so it was the perfect Valentine’s gesture for him.  I knew we wouldn’t be sneaking pieces of it while he was at work and he could have it all to himself.


And that’s exactly what happened (well, not all in one night, it lasted about a week or so)!  Happy Valentine’s Day!

1 comment:

Trent said...

Taco night is always a fun night - the girls love Mexican food!!

And thank you again for the delicious cheesecake! It definitely works out good for me that you 3 don't like it! Yum!!

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