Tuesday, December 20, 2011

November 21st, 2011

Today is Sydney’s official birthday.  It was a Monday.  Lauren’s class had a field trip to the Botanical Gardens.  The field trip was to learn all about seeds.



The first part was a classroom style format learning about seeds, how they are spread out to the world, where they are located on plants, different kinds, etc.  It was quite interesting, even for a 36.5 year old.


See, look at all that seed learning.



Then all the kids got to plant basil seeds.  Sad to report, ours have not sprouted…4 weeks later.  I asked Lauren to go check them just now to be sure.  She said there’s no sprouts and everyone in her class has said theirs sprouted.  Awesome.


We then headed out with a tour guide in small groups to look for seeds around the garden.




The world’s largest seed, the double coconut seed.  Hopefully that trivia will come in handy. 

After the field trip was over, Lauren’s class headed to a playground for a picnic.  It was a little chilly, so Sydney and I decided to go to the restaurant at the garden for lunch and headed home.


Sydney is a puzzle girl and received a nice assortment from her birthday.  She was excited to do this floor puzzle.



So we continued with our normal Monday night activities.  Sydney has dance class at 5-6 pm, then Lauren has PSR at 6:30.  I pack Lauren’s dinner and she eats it at the dance studio and then we work on her schoolwork.  After Sydney and I dropped Lauren off at PSR, Sydney asked me, “Is it reeeeally my birthday TODAY?”  I said yes.  Her response was, “well we really didn’t do any birthday things today.”  She was right, but I explained how she had a birthday celebration in her classroom last week, we just ended a weekend of much birthday to do, and she brought treats to her dance class to celebrate.  “But toooooday is my birthday.”  Trent and I planned on doing cake and had another birthday present to give her that evening.  I hoped that was birthday festive enough for her.


Thankfully it was.

1 comment:

Trent said...

She was cracking us up with her antics!! That Sydney!!!

Love the photo of her laying next to the puzzle!! :)

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