Thursday, January 5, 2012

November 28th, 2011

The baking lamp is officially lit!  I don’t know what gets into me during the holidays, but I become a baking fool.  I have about 4 recipes I always make and then each year a throw a couple new ones into the mix to see if they stick.  This one is a sticker.

These are double chocolate cookies stuffed with a peppermint patty from Rachel Ray’s magazine.  I have to put this out there so I keep myself honest.  I don’t like mint chocolate things.  Buuuuuuut, Trent and the girls adore the combination and were huge fans of the cookies.  So I get to feed my family fun treats and I’m not remotely tempted.  I have to admit I didn’t eat one, but I did send them to Trent’s work and he said everyone devoured them.  Also they look so darn festive!



If you make this with kids, there is the PERFECT job they can do to actually help you, not “help” you.  Unwrap all the peppermint patties for the middle and hard candies for garnish.  Then they can put the hard peppermint candies in a plastic baggie and beat them to oblivion with a meat mallet or rolling pin.  Sydney had a blast doing both jobs, for a small “fee” of course.  She charged me a peppermint patty for her services.  It was worth it.

Everyday with Rachel Ray Magazine Double Chocolate with a Peppermint Patty Surprise Cookie recipe.

1 comment:

Trent said...

So very very very good!!! Love these cookies! Thanks again babe!!

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